Automatic Numbering Stamp Machine 6 digits

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Automatic Numbering Stamp Machine 6 digits

BrandAutomatic Numbering Stamp

Dimension 24mm x 4mm

Automatic Numbering Stamp Machine 6 digits

$ 92.65

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Ideal for invoice books, Raffle Tickets or anything that needs sequential numbers.
This unit has auto clicking, which lets you set the amount of repeats for each number.
It comes with the instructions as well as a stamp changing stylus and a bottle of black ink. It's a beautifully produced machine, has 6 wheels and 9 actions to enable the user to select the amount of duplication of individual numbers and is constructed from steel including the numbers. 

If you don't need all 6 numbers you can blank it out by rotating to 0  and depressing with included stamp changing stylus.

Comes with un-inked stamp pad & black ink

Number height is 4 mm

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